
 About 20 years ago while teaching in Taiwan I was reading a book, the title of which is lost in my remembrance, but the theme was about recognizing patterns of repeated actions.  I believe what caught my attention was a statement to the effect, “if you see something repeated two or three times in scripture, pay close attention.”  At the time I was preparing a teaching on the Day of Pentecost Coming of the Holy Spirit.  Back then. I would often rework my teaching material over and over again working on the felt-logic for an application in the context I was teaching.  Actually, that is a great practice, and it finally leads to internalizing one’s content to be much more sparked by the Spirit-in-the-moment.  The following excerpt is a short study in what I would call the Four-Fold Pattern of Kingdom Ways. Early in the morning on the Day of Pentecost, one of the major Jewish festivals, the coming of the Holy Spirit is both dramatic (the sound of mighty rushi...


As part of my theological training I never did take up the challenge to study   the Biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek.   At the time I suppose expediency was more on my mind than scholarship.   As a substitute I became fairly good at using Strong’s Concordance and a variety of Interlinear Greek/English texts for word comparisons.   As a result, while understanding the basic concepts of Biblical words, the nuances of the language were often lost to me.   As I began teaching more, I soon realized that   the Bible says   a lot more than what is revealed in English terms of doctrine and rational concepts.     What is implied by doctrinal words is often more than my limited understanding of them by using an English dictionary.   Such was the case with the Greek word “metanoia”, a verb that both John the Baptist and Jesus used in their ministry. (Mt 3:2; 4:17)   The most common biblical translation of metanoia is “to repent...
A Brief Overview of YWAM Canada’s Understanding of Leadership and Eldership Originally presented as a 6-part series to the North American Elders I am taking the time to write a very brief historical view of YWAM Canada’s journey/evolution in leadership and how we view eldership.  I will try to make a very brief story with each point to illustrate the story more personally.  I would suspect that all the current elders and many of the ministry leaders would have a somewhat different perspective for the events I am recounting. I welcome their stories, even if they see it differently than I do. My purpose in sharing this is three-fold.  First to summarize a 30-year history in stages of growth.  Secondly, to track the Lord’s teaching on how to be a kingdom people in YWAM, in Canada, and in localized ministry.  Thirdly, to help other YWAMers to see how the Lord has led us in Canada, without saying this is the way it should be in other circles of YWAM in oth...