
Showing posts from 2005

Seminars for 2008

Following is a record of the recent teachings we have conducted in 2005 and are willing to serve the Kingdom in either seminar or retreat formats in the coming year, 2006: 1. “The Cross- God's Infinite Centre of Grace and Mercy” (I am pleased that this is now a required part of the new DTS Curriculum. I see this as a core foundation of evangelical/charismatic theology and personal Christian growth in an experiential context). 2. “Lessons from the Fractal Edge of the Kingdom” ( An overview of Church History including the origin of the Bible, Creeds, Fathers, Saints, Characters and Missionaries). 3. “Seeing the Invisible- Mystical Theology and the History of Art" - a catalytic overview of mystical theology and modern praxis to shape creative expressions as art and witness. 4. “Starting Now to Finish Well” (The quest for Christian character, models of change and adaptation, seeking wisdom and character transforma...

Thoughts on the Grace of God, Re-mixed

A number of years ago someone mentioned to me that I had a grace-based approach to ministry. I took that as a sincere compliment only to find out later that the intent was more a criticism than praise. My critic's perception was that I was “too soft on sin” and consequently, the sinner had no fear of the Lord and lived out their own-way-ness (pride) in an unchecked manner. I understand the problem. Recently, I had someone very close to me apologize for some very ungodly actions and attitudes. What would I do? Would I forgive unreservedly as Christ has done for me, or would I let the person squirm a bit as I “contemplated” my response. I ended up forgiving and pronouncing blessing, but I did walk away with the sense that justice had not been done. (At least from my perspective). Especially, since the sin-in-question was willful and repeated over a long period of time. How would my forgiveness affect any real change? Or is it my for...