Commending New Ministries in YWAM Discussion Paper
One of the topics discussed at the YWAM Western North America Area Elder’s Gathering in Kansas City this past summer had to do with the governance issue of starting new ministries in the Western North America Area. In the past we had a document that outlined the procedure which involved being sent out (apostolic sending-“sent ones”) by a recognized YWAM Ministry to a District, and to a National or Regional council for approval. This process was recognized historically as a new ministry being approved by 2 levels of governance authority “above” the new operating location (oploc). Now with the governance aspect of such a process being terminated, the starting of new ministries is not being addressed by any current policies or procedures. This paper is not an attempt to propose a new policy, rather a discussion paper to raise the issue so that ultimately any new YWAM ministry, started in a new location, is at least linked back to their YWAM roots, YWAM i...