Open Letter to YWAMers in Canada
Dear Canadian YWAMers, During the last GLT in Kona, Hawaii, there were several monumental decisions made as YWAM evolves in structure and governance for the next 50 years of our history. Pete Iliyn, sensing this shift in organizational energy entitled the last NALC, “Year One”, signifying a movement into the next fifty years with a new energy based on the values of the past. So, some of this shift entails the Global Leadership Team reformatting to become the Global Leadership Forum (GLF); and the previous “Team 3 Plus” model of governance relinquishing their corporate titles to serve as an international eldering body. This further “flattening of the YWAM structure” and an embracing of more Biblical language to describe leadership in such a large international mission is unprecedented in scope and implications. If any of you are interested in studying organizations, YWAMs’ growth and continual restructuring is an example of an organization seeking to be Spirit-led and ho...